Eliza - The Court Farm Trip held challenges for many of us being away from home, sharing with and working with people we don’t normally, eating different food. That is besides all the activities many of which involved us facing our fears.
Blake – For me the most challenging activity was the trapeze. When I first saw it I thought it didn’t seem that high but when I got to the top it was really high. The trapeze was the most challenging because the more I shook the more the trapeze shook. It was the scariest thing I have done in my life but surprisingly I really enjoyed it.
Sam- I am scared of heights so climbing was a huge challenge for me. But I decided I would give it a go, even though I was very nervous. I managed to get up the first part of the wall, but then my fear of heights really got to me. I think it has made me a bit less afraid of heights, and faced with a similar challenge I would definitely give it another go. I feel proud that I gave it a good try.
Jenny-May – I really dislike camping and I didn’t realise that I would be doing it at Court Farm. When I found out I felt shocked and couldn’t believe it was happening to me.
As we were putting the tents up I felt sick and very worried. I was worried about the dark, because I don’t like it. Just as we were walking to the tents before we had to sleep I was going hot and cold the palms of my hands were sweating and I was quite trembly. Luckily my good friends who I was sharing with let me keep the light on all night. It took me along time to get to sleep, but I did eventually. When I woke up in the morning I was excited and amazed that I had overcome my camping fears.
Tash : At Court Farm one of my challenges was to go in a Kayak by myself. Before I even got in the kayak I felt extremely nervous and had butterflies in my stomach. After I had put my life jacket on the instructors explained the rules. Then I had to push myself from the edge of the lake into the water. I was still feeling nervous. I started to paddle, but stayed with my friend who also worried. I managed to join in one game and started to feel much better and more confident. By the end of the activity I felt a lot less nervous.
Benjamin : Qaud biking was something I was really looking forward to at Court Farm. But it proved to be more difficult than I had thought it would be. I soon hit a pile of tyres and somehow ended up on the floor. I felt a bit shaken up, and hurt in a few places, so it was quite a challenge for me to get back on and finish my go. But I am really pleased I did.
Some of the activities at Court Farm involved us working together as a team often with people we wouldn’t choose to work with. This was quite a challenge for many of us, but we realise it is something we must learn to do.
Angus – For me the biggest challenge was abseiling. When I was at the top of the wall waiting, I felt terrified and quite trembly. There were butterflies in my stomach. As I began to abseil down the wall I felt very nervous, in case the instructor let go of the rope. As I got nearer to the ground I felt much more confident. I felt very relieved when I reached the ground. I was determined to complete this task and I overcame my fear of heights. There is no easy answer to how to deal with a challenge. But challenge to me is something that is difficult, but needs doing and generally once you have done it feels really good.