Sunday, 12 July 2009

The Cast


Kate Georgia Caine & Amber Bettles-Hall
Seth Ethan Dallas
Jason David Sparrow
Layla Zoe Robinson and Ellen Porter

Blake Alfie Baker
Andy Sam Atherton
Tom Ben Cross

Ruby Charlie Cunningham
Erin Lacey Hewitt
Kelly Samantha Arend

Miss Evans, teacher Robyn Garrard

Vanessa, Kate’s mum Georgia Moore

Maria, Seth’s mum Jenny-May Pocock
Scot, Seth’s Dad Adam Schofield

Layla’s mum, Karen Jade Steel
Karen’s bloke, Brian David Farndell

Victoria, Jason’s mum Kiera Easen
Dave, Jason’s Dad Matt Burfoot

Nant y Moch staff:
Rob Jake Holland
Sarah Chloe Barnes

Layla’s brother, Shane Kyle Eyres

Jason’s sister, Suzy Sophie Bridger
Lucy Wright

Mr Henderson, head teacher Alex Calton
Mrs Kendal Maia Lewis
Mr Smith Jorge Sandford
Mrs Hood Kirsten Davies

Rescue workers Blake McQuilken
Eliza Wilkinson
Maia Lewis